September 19, 2010

Ignorance is Bliss?

(this was written somewhat late on 5 hours of sleep and a long long day)
Wow. As much as stereotyping things are wrong, it is a fact that doing so helps us categorize the world to enforce rules that will.. uh.. cultivate(?) certain actions to encourage safer, healthier, and overall "happier" surroundings (for the majority). For example, we can stereotype that teens are unsafe drivers because they are more likely to feel that they have invincible powers for the moment and thus make irrational choices that puts others' lives at risk.  That is why some areas in the world implement laws such as relatively high age-limits so that you have to be older (and hopefully more mature, able to make more rational choices) before you are allowed to obtain a license. Sometimes, it's even more beneficial to stereotype because you can presume certain characteristics will be true and thus this can save a LOT of time and energy. Of course, if we all stereotype, then nothing will get done/improve and opinions will never change and a lot of people will be unhappy. Something to think about.. when to stereotype and when to not. Innocent until proven guilty? Or Guilty until proven innocent? Is stereotyping really that terrible?? I know I know.. nothing will ever change and the whole "live and learn" will never happen if everyone stereotypes (which is the best way to remember NOT to do something again)........ that's too bad.

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