June 8, 2010

Beauty Challenge

Starting next Monday, I'm going to go through a whole week (this will end the following Monday at noon!) without applying any mascara and without straightening my hair. They're both damaging to my hair and I've been using them too often! I'll even try a couple of days without even blowdrying. Ahhh I need to research some ways to put some volume w/out using electricity!

1 comment:

  1. wow beauty challenge indeed! i like.

    at least your hair will dry reallllly fast w/o blowdrying coz it's so light. mine dries pretty fast in this weather too actually but yours will be lickety split.

    i've stopped using a straightener now too - no time in the morning anymore. and it's pretty straight anyway haha.

    REALLY mascara too?! haha this i gota see ^___^

    did you hear about some person who stopped washing their hair? basically it was gross for about a week but then it "suddenly" was fine because the scalp/hair/whatever oils balanced out again to be natural. shrugs. now THAT would be a challenge.
