April 22, 2010

Natbot's Official Procrastination Checklist

When I engage in extreme procrastination, I think in this order...

Hungry/thirsty? Usually yes...
Feel dirty? If yes in the slightest, I shower...
Teeth clean? Yes...
Face clean? Face mask...
Does laundry need to be done?
Did I vacuum yet this week?
Is there anything bugging me that needs to get done before I get back to work?

If everything needs doing, then it takes quite a while.. sometimes a couple hours... and then I work for a bit and repeat the cycle.

Thank goodness it officially ends tomorrow!

2PM - Without You
Their Mnet performance outfits were kinda ugly... they look like early 90's greasers. Cheesy moves (like the "OK" move), somewhat expected, but I was hoping for more of a cool dance like what they're usually known for. Why do they look like they're wiping a table with that hand move? And their "without you" arm point motion looks like they're doing some kickboxing move. Don't know why Khun's rapping starts with "everything happens for a reason" twice. Besides those, I like!

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